This year could see Arch. On Sunday, the last day. Thus proving once again that Providence cares for the sparrows. Although the invitations, which gave them me Elenita, the latest I caught on Saturday. I is not free if I'm not going, because it would have the devastating feeling of paying for a shag.
addition, as is inflates price not to be bystanders uncomfortable, because those merchants of this secular temple did not want to go to pray, but to buy, and I am a voyeur. I do not buy paintings because I have not sold many yet ... my
that were my baby and me, and everything was more or less as usual, but no carpet, with fewer aisles than other times and something different from last time, but that always happens. With more pictures, less pictures, less facilities and less things designed to shock, to entertain the vomit.
After five short hours we pulled traps!
But the strangest thing I saw were not the pictures or sculptures, but I see a guy with vaquerillos worn but spotless and leather jacket.
had a jovial face ... That sounds like me! This will be the ambassador gringolandia!
Let's check: First, the glasses have to be completely round crystals, like a bicycle saddle, black to Valle Inclán, modern design but No! not had that kind of glasses but a more common-looking, with oval crystals fester Not embarrassing because it is not conclusive proof!
Ms, which I could not see or front or in profile, not a clue because their image is completely unknown to me. The
Gorillas! You must take gorillas! And there was that if they were fucking!
Mrs. was normal, to his own, outside of the carnival. While the ambassador, wearing camouflage, was like floating.
seemed to me that the ambassador, secure in his disguise would think not even realize are happening! And he was interested by the prospect of those walls and those small pieces.
The two gorillas were behind as mere coincidence. One of them was normal and did not sing the character, but I thought the other overacted, overgrown, little chubby also seemed to float as its head, looking right and left happy. I was the impression that he was thinking at that "service" would not be running the least risk. But you could tell he was like a goat in a garage. He did not look with curiosity and with due skill.
That if it was a performance of the most appropriate for that site. But, as is known to enjoy an artistic experience two conditions must be met: one is this the occasion and the other that is known exploit. And both conditions were perfect.
Then we lost, we were engaged and not miss anything and many clubs do not give the same donkeys.