Robert C Martin Oredev 2008 - Keynote - The Renaissance of Music and Mathematics Craftsmanship
I found this video of a talk given by 'Uncle Bob' Robert C. Martin in 2008 on craftmanship, much of what was said this in his book Vlean Code, and I recommend it for anyone who wants to follow this path to improve the code a little bit time, the video is in English without subtitles and lasts about an hour
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Women's Rookie Party Ideas
The Lord of the Rings. Black
The story that I have dates back some 65 years, when I would have between five and six. But remember it perfectly, as if it happened yesterday.
It gave me a gold ring, the kind of label with my initials. I was delighted with the gift, I removed it, put it to me, I paid my friends to try it, and my parents told me you're going to lose!
fattened Soon my fingers and I was not able to get the ring. Not giving me soap, or in any way. Encountered in the crease of the joint and it was impossible. Well
disconnect the ring! Said my mother.
But how he will be cut! I thought that he was convinced that the metals were quite hard and tough and it was impossible to cut. I was
parrot talks to concerned and the situation was becoming more worrisome, because pernsaban see a bad man to cut the ring. That said, because "it was bad life" to his wife. I could not find the details of his conduct, but what surprised me was that said his wife suffered over loved him or something but how is possible! Theirs would be rejected and if it could not flee, I thought.
And in any case was very disturbing that I put in the hands of such an individual. I had a saw capable of cutting metals, which would cut off the ring he was already deep in one of my fingers. Ie meat protruding finger, frankly not very reassuring because before reaching the metal had to pass through my finger. But then he realized that if the finger was still gaining weight, the size of the fingers of adults and the ring would not budge ... would not even think about it!
I remember when we head to face the ordeal. The man lived on the street Redondo Onesimus, now Dr. Plácido Bañuelos Huelva. On the opposite side of the rear of the French school and the Marist. I think the door of the house and the other contiguous reached by a loft.
was curious to see this man. And yes that was the type. He was serious, slim, not very tall, and with an air of flamenco artist. His whiskers were large and high-heeled boots fine. We sat. He told me to teach him the hand, palm upwards grabbed a couple of fingers and brandished a blade.
never seen such a tool. The arc tightened the hair fine and powerful saw. With that gently touched my finger, but that was penetrating into the ring which was cut in a few seconds!
In this episode does not remember anything else. But I stuck with something he had experienced for the first time: how deceptive can become prejudices! As long I try not to be led by them.
This blog is the way that I have to communicate with my friends.
Those friends that we fail to see why we change jobs, or neighborhood or city.
also for friends who come because of this blog.
But each post is a monologue. Renumbered dialogue if use is made of the comments. If only to say that I've seen Evaristo!
Although many do you need instructions, just in case I put them here.
A) Click once on the post title appear
and comments at the end.
B) Click once on the word COMMENTS that is the end of the post, which comments appear and disappear entry. HOW TO COMMENT
The comment you type in the rectangle. HOW
SEND A) was given the name or pseudonym, where it says ALIAS.
B) click on ANONYMOUS.
C) Enter one following the instructions, but is more complicated.
If you want to see how it is click on PREVIEW.
Finally, click on post comment.

The story that I have dates back some 65 years, when I would have between five and six. But remember it perfectly, as if it happened yesterday.
It gave me a gold ring, the kind of label with my initials. I was delighted with the gift, I removed it, put it to me, I paid my friends to try it, and my parents told me you're going to lose!
fattened Soon my fingers and I was not able to get the ring. Not giving me soap, or in any way. Encountered in the crease of the joint and it was impossible. Well
disconnect the ring! Said my mother.
But how he will be cut! I thought that he was convinced that the metals were quite hard and tough and it was impossible to cut. I was
parrot talks to concerned and the situation was becoming more worrisome, because pernsaban see a bad man to cut the ring. That said, because "it was bad life" to his wife. I could not find the details of his conduct, but what surprised me was that said his wife suffered over loved him or something but how is possible! Theirs would be rejected and if it could not flee, I thought.
And in any case was very disturbing that I put in the hands of such an individual. I had a saw capable of cutting metals, which would cut off the ring he was already deep in one of my fingers. Ie meat protruding finger, frankly not very reassuring because before reaching the metal had to pass through my finger. But then he realized that if the finger was still gaining weight, the size of the fingers of adults and the ring would not budge ... would not even think about it!
I remember when we head to face the ordeal. The man lived on the street Redondo Onesimus, now Dr. Plácido Bañuelos Huelva. On the opposite side of the rear of the French school and the Marist. I think the door of the house and the other contiguous reached by a loft.
was curious to see this man. And yes that was the type. He was serious, slim, not very tall, and with an air of flamenco artist. His whiskers were large and high-heeled boots fine. We sat. He told me to teach him the hand, palm upwards grabbed a couple of fingers and brandished a blade.
never seen such a tool. The arc tightened the hair fine and powerful saw. With that gently touched my finger, but that was penetrating into the ring which was cut in a few seconds!
In this episode does not remember anything else. But I stuck with something he had experienced for the first time: how deceptive can become prejudices! As long I try not to be led by them.

This blog is the way that I have to communicate with my friends.
Those friends that we fail to see why we change jobs, or neighborhood or city.
also for friends who come because of this blog.
But each post is a monologue. Renumbered dialogue if use is made of the comments. If only to say that I've seen Evaristo!
Although many do you need instructions, just in case I put them here.
A) Click once on the post title appear
and comments at the end.
B) Click once on the word COMMENTS that is the end of the post, which comments appear and disappear entry. HOW TO COMMENT
The comment you type in the rectangle. HOW
SEND A) was given the name or pseudonym, where it says ALIAS.
B) click on ANONYMOUS.
C) Enter one following the instructions, but is more complicated.
If you want to see how it is click on PREVIEW.
Finally, click on post comment.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Russian Bare Contest 1
stories from the New World.
This post n º 209 of the Psalter is dedicated to Bernard and Peter.
Today I will talk about another friend of swagger. Peter who was cured and as such witness, if not leading, amazing stories in the New World. Fighting against the depth of human misery has lost only one of its two habits the dress, because the other, that of helping people is still in full use. He is now married with a beautiful lady Dominican. And they have a college graduate son and a daughter who is in it.
I think it started to practice in Brazil, in Mato Grosso in a remote location determined by a strange character, who became mayor, and attributed to him 20 or 30 deaths. There was a legend that could not be shot rather than a bridge that was in that town, but as the bridge is demolished by lightning or do not know what weather phenomenon, because these people lived fatally resigned to endure indefinitely. He counted Peter
another priest, his companion traveling with the individual in a bus crashed and overturned. They left the vehicle as they could. And this barbarian, who was known to shoot those who dared contradict him, asked: Hey dad
how did you leave the bus?
Through a window, he said.
No! For a window is not possible!
And recalling his fame continued:
Man, they do not know ... I think it was through a window, but I'm not sure ...
then snapped his interlocutor:
Father do you believe in God? Because I do not.
You see, you see, sometimes I have my doubts ...
Back home had all this to their peers in the presence of the bishop, which I think was a gringo, who questioned:
But Father, you have lost the opportunity of martyrdom!
Ah! yes? Take advantage of it because you know where he lives, he said.
same bishop was on a pastoral visit to the parish who ran Peter and some friends of his that was in a poor neighborhood where prostitution was widespread. And when the bishop had been driving back to his seat, a young local resident asked the favor of a ride, as they walked. The girl is the league felt their profession, but the bishop does not have seemed so obvious and he asked what he did.
I am an artist, father.
"Artist of what?
I'ma dancer, father. And work on that site. And if he wants to be happy and we will receive a discount.
The fact is that those girls grateful to the priests because they are often taken out of trouble, ever wanted to pay in kind. And they found it difficult to reject the offer without refuse her.
But why?! Because
religion forbids it.
But why religion is to ban something is so good?!
And they were right, because if a site so unfortunate not have moments of relaxation, can be a real hell. Later
was my friend in Panama, where it has interesting things. Since there are frequent tiny universes are real companies, which each have a harmonious and functional code when they make improvements, with the best intentions, becomes unbalanced and sinks do not say when the changes are motivated by the worst intentions! But that we can talk another day, and I have to be documented better.
The prestige of religion in these countries is huge and had Pedro who frequented the home of friends where they gathered to eat, chat and take the time pleasantly. Little Indians continually interrupted him with bottles of water for the blessing And that was a nuisance! Well-intentioned, but nuisance. And the brink of despair
even said I will bless the well, and to draw from there the holy water and see if I can eat often!
But best of all, or worst depending how you look, occurred in Guatemala during the last great earthquake.
Peter was responsible for Caritas and entrusted to render assistance to the victims of the disaster, which came into contact with a colonel.
Father, explain it to me all clearly. As if you were a moron.
First you need a lot of plaster.
No problem! We have large quarries ...
not realized that the man was clinical plaster to cure broken bones that caused such massive disasters. Total
Peter did a brilliant job in the relief effort and that Colonel wanted to be rewarded properly. Let's give
the Order of the Quetzal.
Peter did not know how to refuse without unleashing the wrath of the military grateful.
Is there a problem. We can not accept any personal reward. We have it banned. We do this for love of God ...
face so close a guard colonel showed the awkward, but hesitantly, and relented. In those days
Daniel, brother of Pedro and distinguished jurist, came to visit and dined with the colonel, who was full of praise and expressed how grateful they were all authorities and uncomfortable that it was not prepared to accept the award .
not want the Order of the Quetzal! There is no way to accept it. But I have told, that if someone bothered to tell me. That next morning found him in a ditch comiéndosele flies.
At this the lawyer for a short gives you a heart attack!

PEDRO THE excursions.
Today I will talk about another friend of swagger. Peter who was cured and as such witness, if not leading, amazing stories in the New World. Fighting against the depth of human misery has lost only one of its two habits the dress, because the other, that of helping people is still in full use. He is now married with a beautiful lady Dominican. And they have a college graduate son and a daughter who is in it.
I think it started to practice in Brazil, in Mato Grosso in a remote location determined by a strange character, who became mayor, and attributed to him 20 or 30 deaths. There was a legend that could not be shot rather than a bridge that was in that town, but as the bridge is demolished by lightning or do not know what weather phenomenon, because these people lived fatally resigned to endure indefinitely. He counted Peter
another priest, his companion traveling with the individual in a bus crashed and overturned. They left the vehicle as they could. And this barbarian, who was known to shoot those who dared contradict him, asked: Hey dad
how did you leave the bus?
Through a window, he said.
No! For a window is not possible!
And recalling his fame continued:
Man, they do not know ... I think it was through a window, but I'm not sure ...
then snapped his interlocutor:
Father do you believe in God? Because I do not.
You see, you see, sometimes I have my doubts ...
Back home had all this to their peers in the presence of the bishop, which I think was a gringo, who questioned:
But Father, you have lost the opportunity of martyrdom!
Ah! yes? Take advantage of it because you know where he lives, he said.
same bishop was on a pastoral visit to the parish who ran Peter and some friends of his that was in a poor neighborhood where prostitution was widespread. And when the bishop had been driving back to his seat, a young local resident asked the favor of a ride, as they walked. The girl is the league felt their profession, but the bishop does not have seemed so obvious and he asked what he did.
I am an artist, father.
"Artist of what?
I'ma dancer, father. And work on that site. And if he wants to be happy and we will receive a discount.
The fact is that those girls grateful to the priests because they are often taken out of trouble, ever wanted to pay in kind. And they found it difficult to reject the offer without refuse her.
But why?! Because
religion forbids it.
But why religion is to ban something is so good?!
And they were right, because if a site so unfortunate not have moments of relaxation, can be a real hell. Later
was my friend in Panama, where it has interesting things. Since there are frequent tiny universes are real companies, which each have a harmonious and functional code when they make improvements, with the best intentions, becomes unbalanced and sinks do not say when the changes are motivated by the worst intentions! But that we can talk another day, and I have to be documented better.
The prestige of religion in these countries is huge and had Pedro who frequented the home of friends where they gathered to eat, chat and take the time pleasantly. Little Indians continually interrupted him with bottles of water for the blessing And that was a nuisance! Well-intentioned, but nuisance. And the brink of despair
even said I will bless the well, and to draw from there the holy water and see if I can eat often!
But best of all, or worst depending how you look, occurred in Guatemala during the last great earthquake.
Peter was responsible for Caritas and entrusted to render assistance to the victims of the disaster, which came into contact with a colonel.
Father, explain it to me all clearly. As if you were a moron.
First you need a lot of plaster.
No problem! We have large quarries ...
not realized that the man was clinical plaster to cure broken bones that caused such massive disasters. Total
Peter did a brilliant job in the relief effort and that Colonel wanted to be rewarded properly. Let's give
the Order of the Quetzal.
Peter did not know how to refuse without unleashing the wrath of the military grateful.
Is there a problem. We can not accept any personal reward. We have it banned. We do this for love of God ...
face so close a guard colonel showed the awkward, but hesitantly, and relented. In those days
Daniel, brother of Pedro and distinguished jurist, came to visit and dined with the colonel, who was full of praise and expressed how grateful they were all authorities and uncomfortable that it was not prepared to accept the award .
not want the Order of the Quetzal! There is no way to accept it. But I have told, that if someone bothered to tell me. That next morning found him in a ditch comiéndosele flies.
At this the lawyer for a short gives you a heart attack!

Mylar Letter Balloons Small
This entry is to put some science everyone knows what is pi to those not in short: is the result of dividing a circumference of its diameter, for something more accurate review wikipedia entry to all this? that all the constants of nature (although an undetermined as pi) always bring harmony and beauty in them, this time I found a video of michael blake where he makes a very personal interpretation of the number pi
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Wedding Cards In Bengali
For the love of art. Living
Drawing is a verb. Drawing a noun.
Draw is an action. A drawing is one thing.
Drawing and drawing are linked because the action is exerted thing.
I think the emphasis is on the thing, while the action is nothing but the necessary condition to achieve anything. And go unnoticed that the action is a rewarding pursuit for whom the place. This situation is aggravated because seeing is not funny drawing. O is low. Do not like dancing that is a spectacle. In the movie "The Mystery of Picasso" looked arise Picasso drawings, and it was not bad, but it was incomparably worse than the valet.
There are actions that do not produce things, like dancing.
Every action serves who exercise. And to those who contemplate it, as the music. It seems as if a concert was important the public hears. And the musicians play the indispensable condition, inevitable, until they have seen the way around with the canned music. Of course I ever have to touch it to burn. And it matters what you see at a concert. The musicians dressed as adequately and bright with its gleaming instruments. But
and taste to be given to play or sing in a concert! And rehearse! Sure some are so vague that maybe what bothers them and support at the prospect of getting paid. In this case the playing or singing is the prerequisite for collection.
Every action has a beginning, middle and end. Completion of the action and nothing remains of this action.
deposits left. The dust that brought musicians and audience in the shoes to be swept. And other debris that depend on the nature of the action will be of greater or lesser extent. The drawings are drawn. Things that can be very significant But the draw is over!
Because of the action itself is not anything.
The memory, which itself is nothing.
What then?
Back to the action ASAP!
The trouble is that in order to draw need to know. And the good thing that you learn to draw drawing.
And as one would feel ashamed for not dare!
When you do not need anything. Nothing more than paper and pencil. And models. Because drawing is fine models And where are there? For all sites! At home in the street, subway, bus, parks.
And better than that?
Man! If you live in Madrid in Madrid in La Tabacalera Drawing on Tuesdays from 7 ½ to 10. If Barcelona Barcelona Draw. If Drawing Bogotá Bogotá. If Drawing anywhere Anywhere. Simply put you under another or with a few, find a site that can be your own home, while others draw a pose. Or some are drawn to others who are drawing in a chaste "69."
all this have widely studied in World Illustration Book Fece are here. If you do not have an account and you admit you do it automatically as a friend.
A notebook and a pencil is all it takes! Not need to plug in anywhere nor do missing batteries. That and you lower yourself an eye on us not pass either one!
Drawing is a verb. Drawing a noun.
Draw is an action. A drawing is one thing.
Drawing and drawing are linked because the action is exerted thing.
I think the emphasis is on the thing, while the action is nothing but the necessary condition to achieve anything. And go unnoticed that the action is a rewarding pursuit for whom the place. This situation is aggravated because seeing is not funny drawing. O is low. Do not like dancing that is a spectacle. In the movie "The Mystery of Picasso" looked arise Picasso drawings, and it was not bad, but it was incomparably worse than the valet.
There are actions that do not produce things, like dancing.
Every action serves who exercise. And to those who contemplate it, as the music. It seems as if a concert was important the public hears. And the musicians play the indispensable condition, inevitable, until they have seen the way around with the canned music. Of course I ever have to touch it to burn. And it matters what you see at a concert. The musicians dressed as adequately and bright with its gleaming instruments. But
and taste to be given to play or sing in a concert! And rehearse! Sure some are so vague that maybe what bothers them and support at the prospect of getting paid. In this case the playing or singing is the prerequisite for collection.
Every action has a beginning, middle and end. Completion of the action and nothing remains of this action.
deposits left. The dust that brought musicians and audience in the shoes to be swept. And other debris that depend on the nature of the action will be of greater or lesser extent. The drawings are drawn. Things that can be very significant But the draw is over!
Because of the action itself is not anything.
The memory, which itself is nothing.
What then?
Back to the action ASAP!
The trouble is that in order to draw need to know. And the good thing that you learn to draw drawing.
And as one would feel ashamed for not dare!
When you do not need anything. Nothing more than paper and pencil. And models. Because drawing is fine models And where are there? For all sites! At home in the street, subway, bus, parks.
And better than that?
Man! If you live in Madrid in Madrid in La Tabacalera Drawing on Tuesdays from 7 ½ to 10. If Barcelona Barcelona Draw. If Drawing Bogotá Bogotá. If Drawing anywhere Anywhere. Simply put you under another or with a few, find a site that can be your own home, while others draw a pose. Or some are drawn to others who are drawing in a chaste "69."
all this have widely studied in World Illustration Book Fece are here. If you do not have an account and you admit you do it automatically as a friend.
A notebook and a pencil is all it takes! Not need to plug in anywhere nor do missing batteries. That and you lower yourself an eye on us not pass either one!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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