Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Wedding Anniversarywishes Wording
I'm reading the book The Web Application Hacker Handbook and found this item on the I wanted to write (translate) a bit because I think it is important and has been cast aside, as a web developer I often worry that the platform is correct, usability and ways to access the database, times response and many other things but often ignores the security section, here are some of the key factors that today one can have little web application security (and no, not enough to say we ssl)
immature notions of security
In the area of \u200b\u200bweb application security concepts are less mature than other areas established some time ago and are the areas of networks and operating systems, whereas most people working in the IT sector have a reasonable knowledge of the essential security and protect networks and servers, there is still much confusion about key concepts involved in web application security. It is common to find web developers with medium experience for whom an explanation of the basic types of security breaches are presented as a complete revelation.
In-House Development
The majority of web applications are developed in-house by himself team of the company or third parties. Even using third-party components that are almost always custom made or remade using new code. In these situations, each application is different and may contain their own shortcomings. In contrast we have many of these applications are typically deployed in infrastructure of any organization which have been purchased as the best of its kind and installed following the guidelines and industry standards
deceptive simplicity with existing application platforms and Web development tools, it is possible for a rookie program and create powerful applications from scratch and in a short period of time. But there is a difference between producing code that works and safe code. Many web applications are created by well-meaning individuals who simply lack the knowledge and experience to identify where you can get up a security issue
fast-changing threats profile
As a result of their relative immaturity, research in web application attacks and defenses associated with them is a fertile field in which new concepts and threats are designed at a rate faster than they now have the older technologies. A development team that begins a project with a thorough knowledge of today's threats may have lost his status for the time the application is complete and has already been deployed
Limitations of time and resources
The ; most projects web application development experience severe limitations in time and resources, leading to internal development and faster development than is recommended. Usually it is not possible to use Security experts involved in the design or development teams, and leave the safety testing by specialists (when performed) until the end of project life cycle, the balance of priorities facing a deadline and the need to produce a functional and stable implementation usually a less tangible beyond security considerations. A typical organization might have the willingness to pay a few consulting days to evaluate a new application, but a quick test to find penetration only the typical vulnerabilities and easier to find vulnerabilities while others more subtle and require more time and patience to be identified could be (and in fact are) ignored.
used Technologies on
Many core technologies used in web applications came to the world when the prospect of the world wide web was very different, and have been used beyond the purpose , for which they were designed initially for example the use of JavaScript as a way of transmitting data in many applications based on AJAX. As the expectations placed on the functionality of web applications has evolved rapidly, the technologies used to implement them have been behind the curve, and today we feel stretched and old technologies tailored to meet the new requirements. No wonder that this will lead to new vulnerabilities with side effects that have not yet seen. Taken
The Web Application Hackers Handbook
Sunday, May 23, 2010
How Long Does It Take For A Tick Bite To Heal

- Alejandro Sicardi
- Sebastián Guillén
- Kindamba
- The Pulse Wrestling
and Boo
William Poetas:
- Gustavo Kessel
- Eugenia Segura
- Gonzalo Cordova
- Javier Piccollo
The Kick - Promote for the killing
Murgas, broadcast radio, interventions ...
Sudaca inaugurated the 95.9 FM, come and do radio juntxs ...
Free admission 16 hours / / / Plaza July 9, Jesus of Nazareth-Guaymallén-Mendoza
(Take the 163 and leaves you in the square)
Organized by: Colectivo La Minga
Invite: Editorial PAN, Society Resistance, NEPEM, "Library People" Jesus of Nazareth ", Garden Nursery" My Little Home "
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Missed Dental Appointment Letter Template
Well, that, after my last job I decided to start your own business venture associates and I started the fight to send proposals, put together demos, with many hopes and dreams work, however a number of factors (including the inexperience of your server) did not allow things went well, so I decided to do a bit of reengineering, it is so, start over, although I have yet finish the thesis, closing the last year of college and full-time job does not allow me clearance to do so in time I want (to refrain from telling me that if, just a matter of effort, each person is different and do not want to go through hell with no sleep and no life to a full-time employment, courses and thesis at a time) so something simple buscare a practice or internship or freelance work that will allow me manage my time the best way (that does not lower the level to freelance work, many require more knowledge and skills a common dependent employment, only one has more freedom to freelance getión time, and therefore consider it ), even in the sights I have the power to throw a freelance (this post is a sketch of this announcement) so my dear readers wing! ad launched'm free and available to work, you can contact me via email or twitter direct message to a healthy, successful all I'm going to lunch!
Paso to do more self-promotion here if you want to see my cv can do on the Web LinkedIn this link
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Husband And Wife Having Shower

On these dates as the resounding patriotic speech invades us and seeks to inflame our hearts with ideas of equality and nationalism. But what occasion?
nationalist discourse is repeated we create ourselves an image of being does not exist. Suffice it to mention the difficult economic and social situation which we live, with low wages, high unemployment and rising inflation. What two hundred years have shaped a more just society equal and they tell us? We know it's a lie, some people had and still keep everything in their hands and others nothing.
exploitation and oppression are not typical of a foreign power. There was then holding two hundred years ago and long before, and it now remains. Our workforce and our natural resources continue to be the loot for sale. The historical plunder the English treasury grew and all the crowned heads of Europe now feeds to other foreign powers but not only national. The capital has no nationality. Let us not be fooled by the label home.
From the beginning the idea has not been a joint construction, as you can not ever be. Whenever there is a state be an imposition. First was the imposition of a lodge pretending to ascend to power, then the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dominant economic and political classes, which was then the betrayals of the few true revolutionaries time, and then with the massacres of indigenous and workers. There are many examples of silencing for years with genocides such as those of Patagonia
The two hundred and more years of resistance today call us to struggle, as we have called many times against increasing rates and transport services, misdemeanors against the code that limits us, against pollution and the plundering of megamineras, by rising wages and social improvements, equality and solidarity, to reverse the state of exploitation and oppression.
On the 25th of May, a festival held " For a real revolution" in the neighborhood of Jesús Nazareno de Guaymallén. There will be street musicians and bands, broadcast radio, publishing jobs, food and drink, and much more. And we are inviting, with friends groups, more details.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Alexis Texas Don't Do Black Men

General Strike (Part One)
Volos City: Grande demonstration involving more than 2,500 people. In rallies before the rally (rallies given by the "head high" GSEE and ADEDY), people attacked and drove the leaders of the House of Labor ", cutting off the PA. Along the way they carried out many attacks against multinational shops and banks. It carried out two attacks against the repressive forces of the state. In the first attack was against stone-throwing riot units MAT, and the second attack took place around the District Headquarters. It threw Molotov cocktails, stones and attacks were "body against body." A squad of riot police had to retreat leaving behind shields broken running. The anarchist bloc gathered around 200 people. There were no arrests. CIDU
Irakli (Crete) Manifestation of about 5,000 people. The police presence was discreet and secret. On reaching the demonstration in the District Headquarters, people "broke" the cord that had formed the leadership of the Worker House in the city, symbolically occupying the building. Later, retired people go to the Plaza de los Leones. During the tour broke several surveillance cameras and several ATMs on the street "August 25." On reaching the demonstration in the Plaza de los Leones, the police used tear gas to disperse people. There were small clashes and two people were arrested.
Corfu Town: Grande participation in the demonstration on the island of Corfu. After the demonstration, the anarchist bloc non-parliamentary left together more than 100 people. After the demonstration was held the Regional Headquarters for several hours.
Pátra City: Pátra Grande manifestation in more than 4,000 people. Attacks on banks and great use of tear gas. In the square of Ayios Georgios, and after several ATMs were smashed again attacked the police against protesters arrested 4 people. Later biggest demonstration was in solidarity with detainees, reaching Comisría to the city. Finalemnte all detainees were released.
Kavála City: More than 1,500 people took to the streets (not counting the other manifestation PAME they did separately.) In the anarchist block involved more than 100 people. During the tour there were many painted in banks and buildings owned by the church.
Ksánzi City: demonstration of about 1,000 people. Were painted in several banks.
Naxos Island: Against The Crisis Open Assembly held for a few hours the Chief District on the island of Naxos.
Rézimno City (Crete): After the big event, was launched in the decision of the Assembly of Students of the University of Rézimno which was the occupation of City Hall. Act to be successful.
City Jani (Crete): Expression of more than 1,000 people. Participated in the anarchist block about 150 people. Were painted in several banks and was launching eggs and yogurt at the offices of PASOK and New Democracy. After the demonstration was held in a symbolic way the District Headquarters where despleguieron several banners and settled PA.
City of Sparta: demonstration of about 200 people.
AMFISA City: Expression of about 350 people.
General Strike (Part II)
source: http://grecia-libertaria.blogspot.com/
Monday, May 3, 2010
How Much Are The Quo Makeup Brushes
After a long break for personal reasons I return to ; publication of the study notes for SCJP certification you want to see the next or previous chapters remember you can go to the index which lists all the Series Here
This time we will review the declaration of classes and the switches that we can use them
write code that is structured always in classes or interfaces (we will speak of packages) and within put variables and methods, the way we declare each of these elements will affect the behavior of our code.
For example to change a public method private to do this out of sight of all the other methods that reference it except in the case of methods belonging to the same class it was declared.
File Declaration Rules Code:
can be only one class with the modifier public per file
Comments may be at the start or end of any line of code
If in a public class file is a file name must be the same as that of the class, for example if we have a class file:
the file must be named Cat.java
order statements is as follows:
- package declaration import statements
- class declaration
both sentences package or import could not be present, but should be kept the same order, for example based on the previous example the following combinations are valid:
statements import package and apply to all classes within the code file and are declared only once at the beginning of the file, eg
imagine the following code within the file Cat.java
A file can have more than one class that has the public modifier but if that does not contain a public class does not need the same name as any of the classes inside
Class Declaration and Modifiers
enough to declare a class with a ruling class the following code is the minimum necessary to have a valid class:
However, we can add modifiers before the ruling class to modify the behavior of the same, these switches are 2 types:
modifiers access ( public, protected, private )
other switches ( strictfp, final, abstract )
Access Modifiers:
there anything interesting about access levels (also called access control or access control) is that there are 4, but we have only mentioned 3 access modifiers the fourth level of access control is the default access or package, then declare the class before:
has the level of packet access control, in other words, is that we place an access modifier or not, every class method or attribute already has an access level assigned
another point to consider is that although there are 4 levels of access control in a class you can enter only 2 these are:
- A ccess default or package (no modifier) \u200b\u200b
- A ccess public (public switch )
say that a class A has access to a class B means that:
- A can create an instance of B.
- A can extend B (that is, may become a subclass of B).
- A can access to certain methods and variables in B, depending on the control of access to such methods and variables.
When we talk about access classes we also talk about visibility, the level of access that exist between them takes precedence over the level of access that have their methods or attributes, that means that if class A has no access to the class B, no matter what level of access methods or attributes, the class can not access any method or attribute of B.
o Default Access Package
As mentioned this is the level of access that we get if we do not add any switches to a class at this level is also known as Access Level package because a class with default access level can only be seen by other classes that are within the same package as the same level (explain this in the example).
here Carreta class with package access level is in a different package that the class Auto, and while class file compiles perfectly Carreta class file Auto tells us that "Auto not can be resolved to type "
get the same in the following case:
This time Auto class is in the vehicle package is a subpackage of antiques, and yet get the same error so we can concluded that the access level of the package is tight, no matter if the class inherits this in a subpackage.
To make the code work we have 2 options: Declare the class as public Carreta adding the modifier public or placing both classes in the same package as in the following example: file1
This third case is allowed access to the class from the class Car Carreta since both vehicles belong to the package
Public Access A class is publicly accessible if added before of the ruling class public Case with this we are doing this kind visible to all other classes in all packages, but remember that it is necessary even add the statement import to access the class from other packages such
based on the example of previous section for the statement to be validated using public access should change the class declaration by Carreta
Other Class Modifiers You
of the access switches are the switches we have seen: s trictfp, abstract and final , and can be used in conjunction with the access modifiers except the combination abstract and final. Switch
A class is final if we add to his statement switch final, a final class can not be subclassed, ie any class can inherit from final class, if you try to inherit from this class will get an error message at compile time, the reasons for this are varied but the principal is usually ensure that the implementation of a class remains unchanged, usually for security reasons.
Most classes that make up the core of the sdk are declared as final, for example the class String
should be noted however that much for example the following situation:
not have the source code of a class that has not been declared final and need to make changes, you only need to inherit it, implement the necessary changes and calls to replace the old class for the new class you just modify If you need to change the class had been declared final it would not be possible and the change would be impossible to make
Continuing the example above now declare the class as final Carreta and see the message returned
if we tried to run the code would get the message: The type
Can not subclass final class the Carreta
abstract modifier
A class is abstract if we add to his statement abstract modifier , A abstract class can not be implemented, so that its sole purpose is to be subclassed or inherited by other classes this may be because this class will serve as the father of many classes or because it is too vague a concept to be structured , take for example a class called Animal is too vague as it represents all possible animals, how many legs does it have? how many eyes?, what color is it? ... more. and behave? it move?, walks, flies, no?, suddenly more than one at a time, as is born? of an egg, mother, etc. However
declaring once more specific classes of these questions can be answered as a Dog, Rabbit, etc.
Another fact to be noted is that the methods of an abstract class can also be abstract and therefore not be implemented, only declared. For this we include in the method declaration abstract switch and instead of the braces ({}) end in a semicolon (;) an abstract method has no implementation in this case the implement delegate who inherits the abstract class. An abstract class can have both abstract methods and non-abstract, but a non-abstract class can have abstract methods, in short: if a class contains at least one abstract method, the class must be declared as abstract. An example of non-abstract methods can have an abstract class are getters and setters for its attributes. Example
code above is correct and compiles without problems, however if we try to instantiate the class will get: Animal
class is an abstract class. It Can not Be instantiated.
This concludes the matter on the declaration of classes and access modifiers to them, in the next post will deal with the declaration of interfaces.