General Strike (Part One)
Volos City: Grande demonstration involving more than 2,500 people. In rallies before the rally (rallies given by the "head high" GSEE and ADEDY), people attacked and drove the leaders of the House of Labor ", cutting off the PA. Along the way they carried out many attacks against multinational shops and banks. It carried out two attacks against the repressive forces of the state. In the first attack was against stone-throwing riot units MAT, and the second attack took place around the District Headquarters. It threw Molotov cocktails, stones and attacks were "body against body." A squad of riot police had to retreat leaving behind shields broken running. The anarchist bloc gathered around 200 people. There were no arrests. CIDU
Irakli (Crete) Manifestation of about 5,000 people. The police presence was discreet and secret. On reaching the demonstration in the District Headquarters, people "broke" the cord that had formed the leadership of the Worker House in the city, symbolically occupying the building. Later, retired people go to the Plaza de los Leones. During the tour broke several surveillance cameras and several ATMs on the street "August 25." On reaching the demonstration in the Plaza de los Leones, the police used tear gas to disperse people. There were small clashes and two people were arrested.
Corfu Town: Grande participation in the demonstration on the island of Corfu. After the demonstration, the anarchist bloc non-parliamentary left together more than 100 people. After the demonstration was held the Regional Headquarters for several hours.
Pátra City: Pátra Grande manifestation in more than 4,000 people. Attacks on banks and great use of tear gas. In the square of Ayios Georgios, and after several ATMs were smashed again attacked the police against protesters arrested 4 people. Later biggest demonstration was in solidarity with detainees, reaching Comisría to the city. Finalemnte all detainees were released.
Kavála City: More than 1,500 people took to the streets (not counting the other manifestation PAME they did separately.) In the anarchist block involved more than 100 people. During the tour there were many painted in banks and buildings owned by the church.
Ksánzi City: demonstration of about 1,000 people. Were painted in several banks.
Naxos Island: Against The Crisis Open Assembly held for a few hours the Chief District on the island of Naxos.
Rézimno City (Crete): After the big event, was launched in the decision of the Assembly of Students of the University of Rézimno which was the occupation of City Hall. Act to be successful.
City Jani (Crete): Expression of more than 1,000 people. Participated in the anarchist block about 150 people. Were painted in several banks and was launching eggs and yogurt at the offices of PASOK and New Democracy. After the demonstration was held in a symbolic way the District Headquarters where despleguieron several banners and settled PA.
City of Sparta: demonstration of about 200 people.
AMFISA City: Expression of about 350 people.
General Strike (Part II)
The demonstration through the center of the city had good pace, with slogans and distribution of thousands of leaflets. Police had since they were all watching the police station in the city. At one point there was discord among the demonstrators as the destination of the demonstration as some believed continued occupation of the Tax Office. Finally, the demonstration ended with the occupation of the Regional Headquarters, which was mounted loudspeakers.
At the University of Ioannina Assemblies and faculties occupations are increasing.
source: http://grecia-libertaria.blogspot.com/
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