Monday, June 21, 2010

Streaming Breast Milk

complete to XMLs in netbeans

Hello everyone

Today I bring a little tutorial on netbeans at work where I am today we decided to use it as ide and am used to auto-complete function-based XMLs schema (xsd) was then given a spin to see how you can configure the auto-complete, as this does not bring spring xml schema 3.0 preloaded something that I had used the ide for SpringSource.

here I leave the procedure to register the xsd locally if for some reason Internet have not exit because if so I saw that the ide is responsible for obtaining the same scheme.

In NetBeans 6.8 go to Tools / DTD and XML Schemas

shown a screen with a list of catalogs that are pre-loaded, right click on the last : User Catalog [read-write] shows a drop down menu, select "add local dtd or xml schema"

a screen to register the dtd or xsd select the option the center: "System ID" and set the definition of schema that we put in the xml file for example to register the beans in spring xsd to place them: http://www. / schema / beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd

below we find the xsd file for the third option "URI" click browse button
previously need to have the xsd file if you downloaded the sources springframework enough to go to the following path:

[path where you unzipped the framework] \\ projects \\ org. springframework.beans \\ src \\ main \\ resources \\ org \\ springframework \\ beans \\ factory \\ xml \\ spring-beans-3.0.xsd

netbeans press ok and now may autocomplete when you are editing a schema file to use as spring-beans-3.0.xsd in xml editor
this method works well when we have no internet connection ide to obtain for himself or develop definitions xsd's own, the disadvantage of this method as mention is that you need the xsd, load one by one, and all appear crowded in the user catalog, it would be neater if you could upload the entire catalog and have them sorted and grouped

anyone knows how to do it?

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Slums said enough: Trigger Bariloche easy and people in anarchists in

Three dead in the winter wonderland:: The repression continued till late Thursday night and the hospital did not stop police bullets wounded receive

"Easy enough to trigger" and "Stop the repression were the flags that were raised today after noon at the civic center of San Carlos de Bariloche by thousands of young people who came down from the poorest neighborhoods of the city. After a day of police repression and a night patrol and National Guard panels, by the outcry over the murder of a boy of 15 years in the early hours of Thursday, and added three dead by police bullets and more than 20 injured.

Past five in the morning of Thursday 16 June, the district Boris Furman one of the most popular in high Bariloche began to convulse when the news broke that a 15-year-old Diego Bonefoi, was killed by a shot in the head a police station 28 º in the same neighborhood. Policiles agents say, had been with other guys in "acting suspiciously" and pursued him when he "fled when they spotted the patrol car."

From eight o'clock in the morning, the neighbors began to focus on Diego's house, located opposite the station. The anger flooded the eyes of the family but only reduced to shouting murderer. Provocative to laughter and shouts of "we to kill all "throwing the police, began to rain down rocks and glass in the police station. From there began an unequal confrontation between young people, their parents who left their homes and police would not stop shooting everything that had at their disposal (tear gas, rubber bullets and lead).

Between the snow and smoke and gases picketing the neighborhood was becoming more dangerous. In the afternoon came from Black River, the Brigade Operations Fast and Antitumulto (BORA), identified by the residents of El Bolson and those responsible for beating and stop minors from illegally at that location, so the situation tightened further. As the Mayor of Bariloche, Marcelo Cascón, trying to calm things down and talk to the neighbors, the news broke that another person of 28 years, Sergio Cárdenas, was killed by another police bullet during the protests.

This made the mayor has to run away and covering of the neighbors piedrazos fired at his car. Then the mayor told the press that would raise the height of Bariloche was overwhelmed and requested assistance from the National Guard to achieve order in the neighborhoods of the city.

Repression continued until late Thursday night and never stopped receiving hospital wounded by police bullets. One of them, a 16 year old Nicolas Carrasco, died this morning, Friday, due to the serious injuries that caused a police shooting.

is not the first time that the police act like Black River in the townships of Bariloche. There are hundreds of complaints that testify to the abuses and the trigger-happy police are common in these neighborhoods. Bariloche is the height of Mapuche territory and their descendants live there along with footage of land and social housing. Its inhabitants, mostly young, are not frequent the downtown tourist as they are often detained or delayed at the jail for investigation background.

The hundreds of protesters who gathered today at the Civic Center went to the Regional Unit of the police in that province, where clashes occurred again. Sandro Bonefai, father of the first victim, said that if police are still in the neighborhood Furman clashes continue. "I'm very sad, should not have done what they did, they killed my kid and then two more, we ask the Mayor and the President, who is the godmother of one of my children, please bring to the station 28 º here. " Meanwhile

follow the snow, the air is hot, follow the police bullets and explosions continue picketing and the resistance of a tired young police dogs mate and young people more humble. s

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What Does Rv Insurance Cost

Conference on Human Resource Management "

Hi all this time a quick post to Diffusion of a conference will be organized by the Region XXI South and Balneriarios, Scout Association of Peru with the support of the Municipality of San Juan de Miraflores.
while the conference is organized by The Scout Association recommend to anyone wishing to benefit from the experience of the exhibitor in relation to assisted human resource management is on Sunday and free, so no excuse for missing some data here more about it:

- The conference provides an introduction to the management of human talent.
- Allows the participant knows the experience of other business and social organizations that handle production methods on the issue.
organizations have among its members with a talent capable people probably will not develop. Large companies are implementing schemes current performance, with different methodologies, organizations must not only accommodate the fact that every employee is different, but should "exploit these differences." "A learning organization is an expert at creating, acquiring and transmitting knowledge, and changing their behavior to adapt to these new ideas and knowledge. (David A. Garvin Harvard Business Review, July-August 1993)

conference will be a 80 minutes drive. theoretical exposure, and 50 minutes for participants to ask in relation to their organizations, how they can manage their human resources and 15 minutes of a break.

Mg. Jorge Alfaro Sacre, Industrial Engineer - Universidad de Lima, Masters in Organisation & People Management - ESAN.
currently Professor of the Private University "Ricardo Palma" in the graduate faculty of Human Resources. Human Resources Manager Albis Group SA, former chief technology officer of Coca-Cola Services in Peru.

Sunday 27/06/2010 Time: 9:30 am. (Please be punctual)


Business Platform of the Municipality of San Juan de Miraflores

attached a map to the municipality of San Juan de Miraflores


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Homemade Cheshire Cat Costume Images


Comrades we want to invite to participate in the workshop of anarchism that will make Saturday in May and 12 June 1915 to 18 hours in the park San Vicente de Godoy Cruz. The first day will consist of a historical introduction to anarchism and anarchy terms to continue with a brief history of the origins of our movement and the anarchist presence in Argentina's history and the revolutions in Spain, Mexico and Russia. The second will start with a study of some of the principles that are based on anti-authoritarian worldview society to reach a reflection on the possibilities of going forming a revolutionary project of society from the current social situation and the struggles and lawless enterprises that are being developed around the globe. So those interested please speak to our box to be responding to your questions or confirm their participation.
The material is at your disposal.

Booklet Final 2010