Monday, June 21, 2010

Streaming Breast Milk

complete to XMLs in netbeans

Hello everyone

Today I bring a little tutorial on netbeans at work where I am today we decided to use it as ide and am used to auto-complete function-based XMLs schema (xsd) was then given a spin to see how you can configure the auto-complete, as this does not bring spring xml schema 3.0 preloaded something that I had used the ide for SpringSource.

here I leave the procedure to register the xsd locally if for some reason Internet have not exit because if so I saw that the ide is responsible for obtaining the same scheme.

In NetBeans 6.8 go to Tools / DTD and XML Schemas

shown a screen with a list of catalogs that are pre-loaded, right click on the last : User Catalog [read-write] shows a drop down menu, select "add local dtd or xml schema"

a screen to register the dtd or xsd select the option the center: "System ID" and set the definition of schema that we put in the xml file for example to register the beans in spring xsd to place them: http://www. / schema / beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd

below we find the xsd file for the third option "URI" click browse button
previously need to have the xsd file if you downloaded the sources springframework enough to go to the following path:

[path where you unzipped the framework] \\ projects \\ org. springframework.beans \\ src \\ main \\ resources \\ org \\ springframework \\ beans \\ factory \\ xml \\ spring-beans-3.0.xsd

netbeans press ok and now may autocomplete when you are editing a schema file to use as spring-beans-3.0.xsd in xml editor
this method works well when we have no internet connection ide to obtain for himself or develop definitions xsd's own, the disadvantage of this method as mention is that you need the xsd, load one by one, and all appear crowded in the user catalog, it would be neater if you could upload the entire catalog and have them sorted and grouped

anyone knows how to do it?


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