Saturday, December 25, 2010

Read Letter To Penthouse Online


This post n º 198 of the Psalter is dedicated to all my buddies. CHRISTMAS


These holidays left one thing clear: that our society is deeply rooted in religious beliefs. Solstice which will be held or be anything you want, but the fact is that our society is convulsed with the theme of Christmas.

When we were in Pushkar, which has a sacred lake and the only temple in India dedicated to Brahma, which is to be the god father of the trinity Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, they told us that day was the birthday of Brahma and they were celebrating, so that the people were on holiday. When I told someone once that said how many met? The fact is that Christmas is that, the birthday of Jesus.

There will be people who are in favor of religion that is enchanted with Christmas, and people who are against you are frustrated. I'm not for or against. I'm actually in favor of knowing what happens. And what happens is that the religion is for long.

The downside is that there is no "one true religion." But there are several "one true religion." In a few sites and other others. And if it were so, everything would be more or less in order. The bad thing is that to maintain this structure, invented the expulsion of Jews and Moors, ethnic cleansing and so forth.

The thing is to keep the uniqueness in one place is impossible due to migration. Because in an area where prevails a "one true religion" grows and develops a different "one true religion" brought by immigrants. And as in a site can not be more than a "one true religion" because we have already fucked!

What is the solution? Tolerance.

no longer the little word is there, why tolerate means, more or less stuck with what you do not like one to avoid greater evils.

should not be pessimistic thinking that intolerance is the only flourishing. There are many historical examples of exemplary tolerance, as the Caliphate of Cordoba in which the bishops were appointed by the caliph. Only that some radical Christians were the means through which to Islam too attractive, blasphemed. As the crime was punishable by death because there is all screwed up.
Another example is that of Toledo by Alfonso X in which Christians lived together harmoniously, Muslims and Jews, although the monarch himself was rejected by everyone except the Seville.
The fact that Muslim mosques auctioned off three balls strung on a pole and is a declaration of tolerance because the balls representing the three religions of the book: Muslim, Christian and Jewish.
And the Patriarch of Constantinople lives in Istanbul is another detail.
But signs of intolerance of all parties is overwhelming.

What then? Well
be more tolerant and respectful of the views of others, because apart from the bastards of birth obviously there are!, ER TO WORLD Ë Guen. And to ensure that the show is not as such think again! And not to contribute, consciously or unconsciously, to this nonsense universal.


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