Monday, March 22, 2010

Untucked Shirt And Tie

Enabling remote access to MySQL

test environment:

mysql server ip:
client ip:

root user trying to connect from a client machine to my virtual server mysql there got the message:

ERROR 2003 (HY000) : Can not connect to MySQL server on '192 .168.56.101 '(110)

this was very strange for review by pinging visibility and could see the server from the client machine

after that I wanted to see if the port was open so that you run the command nmap on the server and could see open port 3306

the same from the client machine pointing to the server ..

the brink of collapse by decided not to understand that passing a while googling

researcher found that mysql has by default remote access we can enable disabled as follows:

in the file access the mysql server:

nano / etc / ft. cnf

in the section [mysqld] search / add

line bind-address = [ip_servidor_mysql]

and place the mysql server ip address

find if there is a line skip-networking

comment # skip-networking

recorded, close the file and restart the service

# / etc / init.d / mysql restart after this

must set the access permission from the remote client using the correct username - ipcliente, we will do this as follows:

on the server console started mysql:

$ mysql-u root-p mysql

as I go to connect from an administrative client need to give the user permissions on all databases from my client ip

mysql> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root' @ '[ip_cliente]' IDENTIFIED BY '[aqui_la_clave]';

where as you can imagine [ip_cliente] is the ip of the machine from which I try to connect and [aqui_la_clave] is the user's key in my case the connection is root user you should put the user name that you used to connect

logged in

mysql mysql> exit

test the connection from the client, now we should be able to connect to the server

to find the solution use the following link:

guide mysql connection error:

How Do I Enable Remote Access To MySQL Database Server? Http://


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