This post n º 199 of the Psalter is dedicated as a greeting to all my dear friends.

The XXI century seemed nothing! fringes of the twentieth and talk of "last century" an exaggeration and a burden and we are at the beginning of the second decade of the new century! To begin my grandchildren have known nothing this century. And today runs in the XXI century, as tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
When you begin a new century is not canceled before, or earlier ones. There are many sites that are living today and who lived in the nineteenth century, such as the slaughterhouse, or XVIII as tobacco, or as the Plaza Mayor which refurbishment was completed in the XVII and XVI had started in on a crossing roads XV. Things the remodel or modernize or place have been older than ever! For example Vienna Street Chaplains Tutor, was a café a little old but renovated in archaic plan and put older than her grandmother.
Looks like the future itself is progress, change and modernization which is always uncertain. But reigns fucking, there are multitudes engaged in a full part with the brake. And now the most the piano no longer have faith in progress and have become so conservative abhors a virgin change me stay as I am! You have to keep everything as is, the remedy is not worse than the disease! The landscape, climate, native species and live anti-aging creams!
But everything has changed that is a beauty in what has changed? Mainly because this, in computer science. In the computer or computer or whatever it is our daily bread. Giant monsters were once occupied entire buildings and now have the volume of a book medium.
"past" the vehicle were very free-amateur radio stations that could communicate with Argentina or Australia. But there was a code of honor, or whatever, prohibiting talking politics and religion. Today you get to piarla on the Internet and you read in the antipodes without any problem. Now, that answer soon. To me that people are shameful, suspicious and protective of their own image and does not dare to write because I do not know who can read it.
Another thing that has changed is that "creators" are not only penned by the editors. Because the editors have lost their absolute power they had. Now anyone can broadcast what you do in the visual or audio unit. If dough pulls out or not is another question. You can also share what one you like, you have purchased, you have been given or has been found.
The fundamental change is that things have finally put in place. Intermediaries acting on the media, not on things. If things are expensive is just that much who sell charge. But if they are cheap, because they are subtle virtues, it is natural that cost little should not engage in collectability faces like expensive things! Things are expensive equipment with which they are accessed which are very expensive and are paid religiously!
And the "poor" artists? to put as screen continually. Well continue to collect the brief that came charging 10%, or considerably more, but by way of discharge rate. And with those prices sure it significantly reduces the number of pirates Why fair rule of thumb is to charge no less than half the value of a paper book shock of that text? Charging that is an act of piracy! As will be charged for a work of an author who has already died Why is line their heirs? But if the heirs are all of!
thing to do to just charge the authors for their works and managers for their management is to organize a system of discharges to be paid and how to pay, easy and effective. However there will be pirates, but much less, because if the downloads are cheap are they going to charge less for pirates to make the competition? Little savings will mean going to the black market.
Besides you can not charge for everything. Because when you throw an idea catches the people and it makes free use of the culture is that! Will you go one stop down the street singing a song he has written another? You hear every stupid ... as I heard the other day, they "have not stopped many thousands of fake Christmas trees" but what sense does that shit! Can you put the coke to prosecute all those who dress up as Santa Claus, because they do according to his own propaganda image of a year of the castanets? Come on, that greed blinds them!
close some bookstores, record stores and computer shops open, as before chandleries closed and opened stores electricity. But not close all libraries because a printed book is not the same as the images of an e-book.
Because the honest is to charge a lot to cost much and little by little it costs! And if things have changed so that a business does not work with the design I had, you change the layout or change of business and not immediately take hold of the guard baton.
is a new year or a decade is like the train of the witch, are full of surprises, scares and laughs.