This post n º 190 of the Psalter is dedicated to Nico who is the protagonist.
invulnerable to the impact of a meteorite.
As I announced in a comment earlier post today I'll say something about the meteorite that I have and other minerals and rocks.
I must say first that this is not one of those luxury collections made with stones swagger that rich collectors are going to look at trade fairs worldwide. Even I have these beautiful pieces that can be found on the first Sunday of each month at the market they do in the School of Mines or annual Meliá. But is composed of school and little pieces. It is therefore in the aesthetic wabi-sabi because they are simple but interesting.
The first piece was met with much tact. This is a peridotite that I picked up on a beach in Puerto Rico. Country where we lived for three years. And peridotite say making up the Earth's mantle. Not worth much, but it was a good start.
The bulk of my collection is something I owe to Professor Enrique Ramirez, a fellow of the Institute Calderon de la Barca. And some of the most unique to also partner Manon Lorenzo Herrera Oria. Manolo
gave me two pieces profiled here. The above is a meteorite. And the bottom one or impactite suevite from the Ries crater in Germany, produced by the collision of a meteorite. That kind of rock altered by the current shock is fully Noerdlingen, which is the city that fits well within the crater, and that made the church rock.
The crater has two rings. The lesser of two kilometers in diameter, a hundred meters deep and a central mound and twenty-five miles in diameter and two hundred forty meters deep.
After so long the land has eroded and disfigured but the crater can be seen perfectly! Because the modification of the land has produced a strange phenomenon: the trees have grown around the perimeter of the crater, and these trees favor evaporation and form a circle of clouds that mark perfectly, as shown in the picture I show below.
Curious eh!
Back to my meteorite, of which no I can tell you because I know nothing, except that measures four and a half inches diameter and weighs one hundred forty grams.
The fact is that one day I showed it to my grandchildren, when Nico Jorge would have three years and half. And the grandparents have that natural and unhealthy tendency to pedagogy more pain in the ass, I made a ridiculous experiment. Consisting of fine sifted sand on the floor and invite Nicole to drop the meteorite on the sand bed from atop a ladder of four rungs. Fantastic result, the crater was marked in the sand, etc., Etc., Etc.
"Now me," said Jorge. He climbed the ladder with the meteorite and dropped it. The trouble is that Nico was underneath and fell on his head. He began to mourn aloud was not the thing for less!
And hence the title of this story.
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