This post n º 187 of the Psalter was published the day 10 of month number 10 of year 10 of the third millennium of our era. Since our base numbering 10, is a coincidence that could not be ignored.
seems incredible that at this point I have not told this story. Surely they will have missed it because I have so very dignified role which gives me a little embarrassed, but where trust is disgusting! Then you tell it.
In the summer of 2005 spent a week in Malta. That is an interesting place. Tiny Islands formed by the island of Malta, which is half the size of the municipality of Madrid, Gozo is much smaller, Comino is a large island and several islands, islets, or islets, none permanently inhabited.
course would be an Italian site, and thanks to television is reconstituting its natural entity. But has the status that Gibraltar would have a independent, emancipated halt the British imperial path. Permanent mark is in the British flag looks Cruz de San Jorge in place of the splendid Cruz de Malta which is something that cries out to heaven!
On the other hand say it is Phoenician language "modern" or Norman or will you to know but what I find is that Arabic is just a bit modified.
are most Christian through and through and so many flags with crosses on cliffs and roads that seem to The Crusades have not yet been completed. But I have heard that God is called Allah, the former capital is Medina, and next to it is Rabat and Libya's economic presence is evident.
Ours was a package consisting of travel and stay in a hotel and nothing else if not wanted more. At the hotel that took us on a bus together and we met at the hotel the last day to bring us together by bus to the airport.
Are we all?
No ...
Who is missing? I think
missing three ... Who?
Si. Those brown-skinned ... someone said.
Ah! Those Moors Yes no?
not what I meant!
Ya! But were they right?
Because it's time to go. Maybe they have gone on their own Let's go, let's not stay here and miss the plane!
took us to the airport and we were in there waiting and suddenly, when I thought I had forgotten all the recognized!
Damn if they are!
Who? I told my girl.
Damn, them, those who had lost!
do not remember everything very well, but not be much mystery and being late I had scaled. I follow with his eyes. It was a lady of about fifty years or maybe less with his head covered with a veil, a young girl with long hair and a boy perhaps even younger with short hair.
Then I sat around a cafeteria table with a fourth person, a guy, not that of the tour, the old lady or something on the table and had no Cokes or anything similar, but a book that closed with a zipper. First I found an address book, then saw it was a devotional.
Without even thinking that there may be religious people to be delivered to prayer when going on a journey and separate, and that this fact is often often painful, so the collective prayer can be comforting innocent should not wake up suspicion. But no, but prey to paranoid hysteria that has been installed in our society since the September 11th attacks I ride the whole movie:
"The book should be a Koran (and maybe was a Bible!) And the guy they're eating the coconut in half of the crossing explode the bomb in the bag are safe "Sitting there
so serious and the guy comes to pray and pray and eat them
coconut ... I say to my girl:
have to call the police!
Come on man! That
yes! Do not you see?
And she is not the case, come to see things in duty free, and buy silly to melt the few we had leftover lire.
But dammit! That will kill us!
Well then tell the police!
... With English that I have what I'm going to tell the police?
Want me to tell me? No man! Tell him! Yet
knowing that I was sure we were going to kill did not have guts to go to the police with my English scruffy!
During the flight almost a stiff neck looking rascal backwards to keep track of them. And waiting for the bombshell at any time.
But nothing exploded! Landed. And I said,
Or I was confused. Or did not have balls. Or have known better and been told that if at the cafeteria is so fond of flying planes that fly in it!
When I told Javi, my son, I said
I would not have mounted on the plane!
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