Configure DNS in Centos
you happened to install centos and you can not browse the Web more than That happened to me today on a CentOS 5.4 virtual machine installed on a fast (really not so much) note that the problem was that he had no directions a valid DNS server oh well this is fast enough thought add to the file / etc / resolv.conf and ready! done that restart the network services and can not do anything even a simple search on google ...
reviewing the resolv.conf file notice that it no longer addresses and you add a message saying that this file is overwritten by the dhcp client (dhclient-script) which prevented my changes were made permanent as
carefully before making any hack changing the script in question Google found on the website of the following indications centos copy here in case you have any problems
create a dhclient-enter-hooks in the / etc folder and inside will post
then give execute permissions for that file to all users
chmod a + x / etc / dhclient-enter-hooks with it
resolv.conf file will no longer be overwritten when you restart and we navigate and quietly resolve internet names, (in fact the post I write from the newly created virtual machine)
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