Saturday, September 29, 2007

Brunton Echo 6-24x50 Scope Test


San Sebastián - Spain, 09/29/1907 to 09/30/2007

San Sebastian (Donostia in Euskera, and officially Donostia-San Sebastián) is a coastal city in northern Spain in autonomous of Basque . Its population is 183,536 inhabitants (2006), and its metropolitan area reaches 248,502.

San Sebastian was founded to 1180 by Sancho el Sabio, king of Navarre, receiving the title of City in 1662 by King Philip IV. San Sebastián is is the name of the city in English. Its origin is due to a monastery dedicated to San Sebastián who was at the current location of the neighborhood of the Old. San Sebastian has been the official name of the city until 1980. E s the best known name internationally. Donostia-San Sebastian, is the official name of the city since 1980, and is present in the official documents and information.

Its main activities are economic trade and tourism, being one of the most important tourist destinations in Spain and Europe. The landscape is dominated by the Bahía de La Concha and modern architectural development initiated in the second half of the nineteenth century, who set a city of French style and bourgeois, provided d development and tourism activities at Europe. All this, together with international events like the International Film Festival San Sebastian , has outreach to the city, despite its small size. In mid-September each year, the city hosts the most important figures of cinema one of the most important film festivals in the world, created in 1953 and the highest category (A) the international circuit of film festivals of FIAPF . The stars were staying at the hotel's most important city, the Hotel Maria Cristina , and ceremonies are held in the Kursaal , separate from the hotel by the river Urumea . Just when we're here is the last day of 55 Film Festival.

Photo: Panoramic view of Bahia de la Concha night.

San Sebastian is one of the most tourist cities of Spain , an activity that provides most of its economic potential. To meet this demand, the city has good services and a refined appearance.

We arrived at San Sebastian at 15:30 pm and took a tour to the van for its promenade of Concha Bay, bordered by its characteristic rail. This is the tourist symbol of San Sebastian since the English royalty began visiting regularly in the nineteenth century because of the quality of the spa's thermal waters of La Perla, located on the beach. In the center of the bay is the pearl shell, which is the island of Santa Clara (which are in the center of the photo above.) The coast of San Sebastian seemed far more attractive than Nice and Cannes in .

to see how was the boulevard of San Sebastian , I show this small map where in addition to the beach of La Concha with Santa Clara Island in the center, the city has two: Ondarreta and Zurriola.

then left the van in a very central park and went for a walk by the promenade, and we got into a pedestrian street center where he saw the final Buen Pastor Cathedral, built in 1897. Here we get a map with tourist information and try to find a hostel. But during the film festival, prices are inaccessible to us, then we walk and the evening went to the only camping in San Sebastian left going west on the beach Ondarreta Igueldo mountain.

We walked through the center of the city, the Romantic Zone and along the river Urumea whose main streets are completely pedestrian streets, full of tourists.

spent by the City Council of San Sebastian, formerly a casino. In a balcony building had a sign saying "No to ETA, human rights and peaceful coexistence." Here also was the building the Teatro Victoria Eugenia (1912), which formerly celebrated the opening and closing galas, the International Film Festival Donostia-San Sebastián .

Then we toured the Liberty Avenue, the main economic and commercial artery of the city. Here is the office and financial district, taking 19 seats. While other major tourist attractions in San Sebastian is world-class cuisine, we had lunch reinforcements ham and cheese, with potato salad sitting on a park bench on the main avenue, and people looked at us like freaks.

After lunch we walked along the promenade, passing by the beaches, La Concha and Ondarreta. Here we go around the neighborhood Miraconcha. The privileged setting where you are (facing the Bahía de la Concha ) has determined its own, since the late nineteenth century as a luxury residential area. Is occupied mostly by houses like palaces surrounded by green spaces. Creation responds to the demand for quality secondary residence of the population at that time vacationing in San Sebastian and noble classes. In this area there is the Palacio Municipal de Miramar . This building is English style and was built by the English Royal Family in the early twentieth century and sold to the City in the seventies. From here appreciate spectacular views of the Bay.

Ondarreta Besides, following all the way across the bay, we arrived at Peine del Viento (on the slopes of Mount Igueldo ) a sculpture produced by Eduardo Chillida and become another symbol of the city. It was strange but very funny because when sea water entered the force under the platform and rocks with great force air out from holes in the floor, combing your hair in the wind. This amused the children.

I woke up the truck at night and climbed the mountain Igueldo left the West to find the only campsite San Sebastian. We get there easily and put up the tent.

At night we went out to meet the move to San Sebastian . We went to the neighborhood called Old Town near the Bahía de la Concha . The city nightlife focuses mainly on three points: the Old Town, the clubs in Bahía de la Concha and premises located next to the bullring Illumbe. Here in the Old Town had a number of young people of all ages, many of whom were dancing at discos de La Concha or Illumbe with the closing of the bars in that area. The three clubs located in the bay are home to all audiences, but are considered public clubs with high purchasing power. These three clubs accommodate parties of International Film Festival San Sebastian . Illumbe Area, considered unsafe for being in a remote area of \u200b\u200bthe village, are the biggest clubs in San Sebastian, which goes a diverse and numerous. We toured several discos with a great atmosphere. Also here are several tapas bars, ie bars where one asks for a drink and they invite you to something to eat. Are small bars where people enter and remain standing next to the bar because there are caps. I liked that type of sale I do not know if it would be viable in Uruguay .

the second day in San Sebastian , had breakfast and made the draw for the communal camping equipment we had bought in Paris Carrefour, and left at the camp so nobody wanted to take for someone you need to take him. We broke everything, prepare the bags for air travel and we left with the truck and less load to the beach area and Zurriola Mount Urgull , but from the promenade could not access it (because it is accessed by the Old Town). So, we walked the promenade walk and appreciate the view of the Bahía de la Concha and Holy Island Clara from the East.

Here you can see a video documentary of the local television network ETB2 on Euskal Herria La Mirada Magica - Donostia San Sebastian. Is separated into 3 parts:

Here ended our tour and itinerary the truck and start the journey to Paris , reaching 1:00 am the next day. Why we went to Paris again? To return the truck at 8:00 am (without a single crash or break) to Renault Eurodrive in Roissy - Charles de Gaulle and even have a plane to USA. Gaston and I took the plane to Chicago at 12:05 pm, and Mauricio and Alberto to New York at 13:15 pm.

This is a video of our trucks to deliver Renault Espace in Paris:


all pictures of San Sebastian - Spain:

big hug from San Sebastian,



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